Day 62: The 27th of September

And so, my last day of freedom comes to a close.

Tonight I am watching and waiting for the blood moon to come out, since it is quite a rare event. I guess it also gives me time to think about what is to come. It has really sunk in at this point just what I’m getting myself into and that feeling is a bit terrifying. Oh well, only one way to go now. Forwards.

Today I didn’t do much other than eat a delicious breakfast and then a delicious dinner a bit later on. I was pretty much just keeping myself busy online for most of the day. That’s fine by me though, since it might be my last chance to do so until I come back home. I probably will be home next weekend.

Not that this affects you guys of course. I will be posting as usual when university starts; from my new uni house instead of my bedroom. Still, I’ll have a lot more to talk about then, so I wouldn’t worry.

I don’t really have the words to say what I want to say tonight anyway. I’ll save my initial impressions for the extra special first day post tomorrow, no matter how it goes. Before I leave though there is one small favour I want to ask.

Wish me luck, everyone!

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.

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