Day 522: The 30th of December

I woke up late today. It was a great sleep though, felt really relaxed and refreshed when I eventually woke up.

I have kind of lost track of time at this point. I have been playing games for a long time today and now it is 3:20 AM and I should really be in bed. I have been letting my sleeping pattern slip during this time though, so it is to be expected.

Tomorrow is, of course, an important day in that it is the last day. The last day of 2016. I can’t really believe that we are on the brink of entering 2017, but at the same time I can’t believe how long 2016 has felt at times. It has definitely been an interesting year, but I will probably be happy to get a fresh start in January.

Anyway, not much to say tonight. It has been a nice quiet day, as I enjoy best. Tomorrow, I might have a little bit more to talk about, depending on what happens in the evening. Until then, have a good Saturday everyone.

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.

Day 521: The 29th of December

Well, I went out this evening with the group. I honestly am not sure if I embarrassed myself or not. Ah well.

It was Thursday curry club at Wetherspoons today, so we did the usual and met up for a curry and some drinks. This lead to drinking until the place closed at 11 PM, followed by an hour and a half of walking around in the freezing cold to drop everyone off home. I love our meetups, as long as I get a reasonable heads-up on them.

At this particular meetup there were a fair number of girls who I haven’t seen in quite some time. It was nice to catch up, though I always worry that I am being annoying. It seemed like they liked the evening, though it is hard to say for sure.

During our cold walk my hair froze on my head and I also had a long and fairly peaceful conversation with Canada, which was nice. I have learnt that I do find one to one conversations far easier, which I started to notice since I have been at university. It is just so much easier to focus on what you are actually talking about, or not talking about in this case.

Anyway, I am home now, after drinking a pint or so of water. Did not really drink enough for it to matter, but it is best to stay on the safe side when it comes to dehydration. And now I am going to sleep. Tomorrow I feel like I might talk to some people. I’d like a second opinion on tonight. Have a good Friday everyone.

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.

Day 520: The 28th of December

Well, the guilt of doing fun stuff all day is coming back to me now. Hah.

Today was good, I got up fairly early and got washed, dressed and shaved. Without the stubble I look much better and less like a tramp. Plus, being dressed makes me feel less bad about enjoying myself, like I am at least getting up during the day.

Grandma was taken home today, after her few days of staying with us. I hope she had a good time. It becomes harder to tell as people get older. At the very least, she saw her great-grandson, so it couldn’t have been all bad.

Today, for me, was mainly spent building on The Sims 4. I am finally starting to get the hang of it and I have made a fairly decent house, though I still need to work on the gardens. I think I will need to practice a few more times to really get adept at the building system though. I am also pretty bad at colour matching.

This evening I chatted with Dan for some time, which was nice. I feel like he got a lot off his chest, which was fine by me because that mostly means just being a good listener. That, I can do. It sounds like it has been a tough year for him, as it has been for most people.

Anyway, we are rapidly closing in on the end of the year, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy these last few days. Have a great Thursday everyone!

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.

Day 519: The 27th of December

Today was quiet. That was good, after the last few days of excitement.

I mainly played a significant amount of Dishonoured 2, after eating a lovely lunch when I woke up. Most of the time spent playing was trial and error, trying to get through areas undetected. Slowly but surely, I worked my way through a couple of levels.

I guess tomorrow I shall start interacting with the outside world again. Not sure if anyone in the family has any plans, but if there is nothing planned I might try to get the gang together to start D&D at last. It has been a few days since Christmas, so you never know, it could happen.

I, of course, do need to do some university work eventually. However, I think I still have a significant amount of time to get it done, especially with the earliest piece, the coursework, due in on the 9th of January. It should only take me at most 5 days to do it all, if that.

Anyway, it is now 2 AM and I should probably hit the hay. I kind of don’t want to go to sleep yet, but I guess it would be for the best. Have a good Wednesday everyone!

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.

Day 518: The 26th of December

A busy Boxing Day for one and all.

I woke up a couple of times this morning, each time falling back to sleep for a little while longer. I guess that is what happens when you try to get up on less than 5 hours of sleep. It was fine though, since I did eventually get up and get ready to go out for lunch.

Lunch was very nice, at least for me. I had some strange food though. Duck liver tastes very strange, and it is very different from when it is in pâté, but it was enjoyable enough. Then I had my third turkey dinner in a row, which was also very pleasant, though it did include too many vegetables for my personal tastes. And I finished off with a nice chocolate torte.

After our meal we headed over to Emma and Ben’s to hang around for the evening. I watched and played a little bit of Overwatch with Ben, teaching him a little bit of what I know from my 52 hours of play. We also tried out Emma’s turkey soup thing, which she made with the remains of the turkey from Christmas Eve. That was very tasty too, though it did leave me very full in the end.

Then we came home and I played some more Dishonoured 2, followed by catching up on a couple of the YouTube videos that I couldn’t bring myself to watch in bed this morning, since I just wanted to sleep.

All in all, another good day. Tomorrow should be more vanilla though, which will be equally nice. Have a good Tuesday everyone.

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.

Day 517: The 25th of December

Christmas Day has been and gone once more. It was a good one.

Woke up early, as you do on Christmas Day. Opened my presents from my stocking with my parents, then waited the hour or so for other people to start turning up. After a morning of casual sitting around, we opened our presents from under the tree. Corwin had a giant pile of gifts, it was pretty magical.

I got a lot of cool stuff for Christmas. Definitely what I wanted. Just need time to indulge in my presents now, which will probably have to wait until after our meal we are going out for tomorrow at lunch.

It is very late now though. I need to sleep if I want to be able to get up for tomorrow. Have a good Boxing Day everyone.

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.

Day 516: The 24th of December

Merry Christmas, everyone! Another Christmas Eve has arrived!

Today is one of the two most magical days of the year, at least for me, so I am admittedly fairly pumped. It is a day of wearing my silly jumper, hanging out with the close family and eating copious amounts of food. It is especially good since we have Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, so we have already enjoyed our turkey.

There is no other time of year where everyone gathers in the house to laugh, watch television and play games together and that is really what makes Christmas for me. I guess part of the reason I love it so much is because we have so many young people around, since I am the third child and all. Gives you plenty to talk about all day long.

Of course, there is extra magic coming tomorrow, when we get to receive our presents. Exciting times indeed! Some of my friends are acting like their usual party-pooper selves, but that won’t stop me from enjoying myself.

Anyway, I had better jump into bed, else I won’t wake up tomorrow morning in time for the excitement. Can’t be dealing with that! Have a great Christmas Day everyone!

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.

Day 515: The 23rd of December

Well, at the time of writing it is now technically Christmas Eve. I’m sure I will have a lot to talk about on tomorrow’s post though, so we will leave that where it is.

I guess the highlight of the day and what I shall talk about in this post is Alex’s party shindig that he had tonight. I must say it was a really great time, at least for me. I drank a relatively large amount of alcohol for me though, so I was feeling pretty buzzed for a significant amount of the time. Good times.

I got more presents than expected, as well. That was a fun walk home, with both arms full of gifts at about 1 AM. Just slightly terrifying, in my very slightly tipsy state. I made it back though and now I have drank a pint and a half of water so I am stone cold sober again.

The guests? Pretty good. A lot of people I love seeing, though one of my best mates wasn’t there. It was probably for the best though, he is known for not being the most cheery person to have around. Plus it gave me more time to spend with all of the people who I otherwise may not have spoken to much.

So, all in all, the party was pretty good. I also got the guys to do at least a little bit of the cleaning before we were kicked out, just to help out Alex from having to deal with that shit the night before Christmas.

Also today I did all of the wrapping I needed to do, so I am feeling pretty confident for Christmas Day. Still need to purchase some stuff on Steam for some people, but that shouldn’t be hard. The rest of my time was spent on The Sims, having a chill time.

Today was a good day. Have a great Christmas Eve everyone!

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.

Day 514: The 22nd of December

I have a bit of a headache this evening. Did not eat much tonight in all fairness.

I went round to my friend’s house tonight for some nibbles and general good-times before Christmas. I was unaware I was meant to be doing this until my parents came home and were surprised to find me not fully dressed and ready to leave. Oh good.

So I was a little bit annoyed at that, but after I calmed myself down and took a bit of time to prepare myself for socialising it didn’t go too badly. It was a pretty quiet evening in all.

I need to do some wrapping tomorrow, so I should go to bed now. Have a good Friday everyone.

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.



Day 513: The 21st of December

What a day, what a day. It was nice to get out of the house, at least.

This evening was a time of drinks and merriment, with a bunch of people, most of whom have some form of social anxiety or another. Still, it was a pretty good evening, we had a long chat and it was all pretty pleasant.

A couple of people dropped out of coming this evening, though they were fairly justified. That narrowed the group down to just the six of us, going to CJs for drinks. I should be seeing the rest of them on Friday anyway, so I think it is fine, really.

Strangely I am actually yawning and feeling vaguely tired tonight, despite sleeping until late today, as I am wont to do. Still, I shall probably do a couple more things before I wrap up for the night. Don’t want to waste this time of feeling good.

So, I guess that is that. Have a good Thursday everyone.

Elliott Rogers, novice blog writer extraordinaire.